Monday, August 14, 2017

Latinx Reads: Authenticity in Action

I guess since my blog is already a mix of app reviews, tech reviews, and entertainment reviews, I might as well review the books I read as well. There's no better book to kick things off with than "In the Country We Love" by Diane Guerrero.

I can't tell you exactly how I came upon this book. It had to be a culmination of seeing articles about the "Orange is the New Black"/"Jane the Virgin" actress reflecting on a time when she came home one day and her family was inexplicably gone, which she would soon come to realize was the result of an ICE deportation.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Workflow Life: New Tools in the Box

Settling into a job that allows you to be creative as a designer and organizer is something I never saw for myself so soon. But here I am contentedly working on marketing plans for clients through my employer and reinvigorated with creativity planning for my freelance work.

Of course, I'm not exactly working at full speed on shiny calibrated gears, but I've assessed my toolbox and know what exactly I need to excel my productivity.

In fact, in the past two weeks, I've learned more through just sitting in a focused environment and not having to inhibit my creativity than I have in the past few months while I was freelancing in my free time. Granted, I'm still freelancing, but it doesn't have to be a skill I worry about training and completing in the dark hours of the night when I would sacrifice sleep for one to two side projects.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Guess Who Landed in an Agency?

Yes, it's me!

I have officially landed a role as a digital creative specialist at a marketing agency!

It's been quite a journey and not one I expected to happen as it did, but here I am. The thing is, I'm figuring out how to still keep on top of my freelance work and external projects.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

A Lot is Happening

To all three people who read my blog...

(Hi Mom, Dad, and Tia Lori)

My blog has been dormant for a while and for the most part, it's been a good reason.

In the last few months I've started and ended a digital engineering contract, continued work on my pediatric psychology research project, graduated college and moved back to Chicago!